Add Configuration to Data Process
Add an Agent Configuration Reference
Add an Agent Configuration Reference
To create and manage an API route trigger.
To build (compile) a logic asset from an entry file in the logic source. A built logic can be added into data processes.
To create a data process or a data pipeline definition with (or without) logic.
The main docs for FST Network's Logic Operating Centre (LOC), a cloud-native data product platform.
To edit or delete an existing data processes.
To understand the task error handling mechanism and how to debug using various features.
Continuing the quick start tutorial, we will now learn how to invoke a task with an actual trigger.
Continuing the run task with API route tutorial, we will now learn how to create shared modules for logic.
The beginner's walkthrough to create and run a "Hello World" task in LOC.
To view execution results of one or more data processes.
List of available agents with links to SDKs.
Core 1.0.0 / Studio 2.0.0
Although LOC data processes are not built and run exactly like microservices (containered applications), they are versatile enough for creating similar functionalities, and can be deployed or revisied quickly thanks to their serverless nature.
To write logs and task result using SDK.
To create an agent configuration in LOC.
To create and edit an entry file in the logic source. Entry files are used for building logic.
To create projects and scenarios. A data process belongs to a scenario, which in turn belongs to a project.
To manually execute a data process as a one-task execution using a mocked triggers. The execution and task result will be logged just as tasks invoked by real triggers.
An overview of the concept and purpose of LOC agent configurations.
Agents are built-in services to access internal or external data sources, as well as runtime metadata from the execution, task and triggers, etc.
An overview of the concept and purpose of LOC data processes.
An overview of the concept and purpose of LOC data events and data lineages.
An overview of the concept and purpose of LOC executions, tasks and their results.
An overview of the concept and purpose of LOC license.
An overview of the concept and purpose of LOC logic.
An overview of the concept and purpose of LOC triggers.
To create and manage a schedule trigger.
Available interface options in LOC Studio.
To test-run a logic entry file in LOC simple runtime using mocked input data.
To inspect the license and update it if necessary.
To browse a built logic in LOC. The logic can be either cloud logic or native logic.
To inspect events and data lineages.