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An overview of the concept and purpose of LOC logic.

What is a Logic?

In LOC, a logic is an executable code module that can contain any business logic and be part of a data process.

Logic Types

The primary logic types are:

  • Generic logic
  • Aggregator logic - the last logic in a data process

Generic logic can be included in any data process in any order, thus makes them modularised and reusable. The aggregator logic, as the name suggests, is the last logic in the data process to collect and output (finalise) data.

A data process has at least one generic logic and only one aggregator logic.

Logic Source and Revision

See: Manage Logic Source

A logic is, in fact, a compiled asset based on a source script called entry file. The entry files are collectively referred as logic source.

When a logic is updated from an entry file, a new revision will be created. The older logic version(s) will still be available to avoid breaking changes.


  • A logic can be created or modified using any entry file in any languages of the same logic type.
  • A data process can link any revision of any built logic.
Permanent ID (PID)

Every user asset created in LOC - for example, a logic - will have an unique identity string called PID (permanent ID).

Shared Modules and Project Files

Multiple logic can share libraries or modules from so-called shared modules, which are entry files in a separated folder in the logic source. The referenced libraries or modules will be bundled and compiled together into a logic asset if imported.

The logic source also contains the package or project configuration file, for example, package.json for JavaScript/TypeScript logic and Logic.csproj for C# logic.


Everything in the shared module and the third-party packages defined in the project file will be included in the logic building process.

Cloud Logic vs. Native Logic

See: View and Manage Logic

Depending on where the source files are stored, a logic would be categorised to one of the following group:

Cloud LogicNative Logic
Created inLOC StudioLocal workspace
Built (compiled) inLOC CoreLOC CLI (in local workspace)
Source (entry file) viewableYesYes
Editable in StudioYesNo

Logic Structure

A logic is consisted of two functions named as, for example, run and handleError in JavaScript:

export async function run(ctx) {
// business logic code

export async function handleError(ctx, error) {
// error handling code

See Execution and Task for how the error handling in logic works.

Logic Languages and SDKs

LOC currently supports the following languages with corresponding SDKs (links to SDK docs):

Supported LanguageSDK
JavaScript/TypeScriptSDK for JS/TS
C#SDK for C#

SDKs are included via the project files for building logic.


See: Agent

SDKs include a list of agents, which are the interface for logic to access built-in data services in the LOC runtime.