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An overview of the concept and purpose of LOC data processes.

What is a Data Process?

See: Create Data Process and Edit and Manage Data Process

A data process in LOC is a workflow or a data pipeline, which includes a series of logic to be executed.

A data process has its own revision system. If one of the included logic is modified, you'll need to edit the data process as well, which will create a new revision.

Permanent ID (PID)

Every user asset created in LOC - for example, a data process - will have an unique identity string called PID (permanent ID).

Workspace, Projects and Scenarios

See: Manage Project and Scenario

A data process belongs to a scenario under a project; both can be created by users.

Projects belong to a workspace or unit. Currently, the default workspace or unit is not editable.

Agent Configurations and Environment Variables

See: Agent Configuration

A logic, once added into a data process, can have its own environment variables and references to agent configurations (for connecting whitelisted external data sources).

Data Process Execution

Invoke an Execution

See: Trigger

A trigger can invoke an execution with one or more data processes as tasks.

Execution Result and Error Handling

See: Execution and Task

The execution and task results - including errors - will be stored as execution results.