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Version: LOC v0.7 (legacy)

API Route, MQ and Scheduler

CLI commands for managing triggers - API route, MQ and scheduler.

API Route

loc apiroute|ar

API routes can be set with api-route-config.yaml in the project, which defines the URL path that would be link to one or more data processes.

Deploy an API Route

loc ar deploy -f <api-route-config>.yaml

The pid field in the YAML file must be set to a deployed data process's ID.

  • -f: API route file (required, JSON or YAML)

You can deploy an API route automatically along with a data process. See Deploy a Project.

List All API Routes

loc ar list

Inspect an API Route

loc ar get <id> -v

Delete an API Route

loc ar delete <id>

Message Queue

loc messagequeue|mq

MQ sources can be set with MQ client YAML file, which defines the MQ client type, host and port. Both MQ publisher and MQ subscriber connect a MQ client with one or more data processes.

Generate MQ Client YAML File

loc mq client init [output]
  • output: output file path and name (JSON or YAML; default: message-queue-client.yaml)

Generate MQ Subscriber YAML File

loc mq sub init [output]
  • output: output file path and name (JSON or YAML; default: subscriber.yaml)

clientId in the file must be a deployed MQ client's ID.

Generate MQ Publisher YAML File

loc mq pub init [output]
  • output: output file path and name (JSON or YAML; default: publisher.yaml)

clientId in the file must be a deployed MQ client's ID.

Common MQ Commands

Deploy a MQ Asset

loc mq client|pub|sub deploy -f <mq-file>.yaml

If one MQ asset with the same name exists, it will be updated.

  • -f: MQ client/publisher/subscriber file (required; JSON or YAML)

List All MQ Assets

loc mq client|pub|sub list

Inspect a MQ Assets

loc mq client|pub|sub get <id> -v

Delete a MQ Assets

loc mq client|pub|sub delete <id>


loc scheduler|s

Schedule: loc s schedule|s

Schedule Job: loc s scheduledjob|sj

A scheduler can be set with a scheduled job YAML file, which use a schedule on one or more data processes.

Generate Schedule Templates

loc s s init [-c|-t|-w] [output]

It can be specified as one of the following schedule type:

  • -c: a Cron Job type schedule (default if no flag provided)
  • -t: a TimeUnit type schedule
  • -w: a Windowed TimeUnit type schedule (TimeUnit plus startTimeOfDay and endTimeOfDay)
  • output: output file path and name (JSON or YAML; default: schedule.yaml)

For a Cron job type schedule, the Cron expression has to have at least six fields.

Generate Scheduled Job Templates

loc s sj init
  • output: output file path and name (JSON or YAML; default: scheduled-job.yaml)

scheduleId in the file must be a deployed trigger/schedule's ID and pid set to a deployed data process' PID.

Common Scheduler Commands

Deploy a Schedule/Scheduler Job

loc s s|sj deploy -f <scheduler-file>.yaml
  • -f: schedule or scheduled job file (required, JSON or YAML)

If a schedule with the same name already exists, the description, endTime and startTime fields will be updated - but not the trigger/schedule type or time interval.

In other words, you need to manually deploy a new schedule if you want to change the triggering schedule.

List All Schedule/Scheduler Jobs

loc s s|sj list

Inspect a Schedule/Scheduler Job

loc s s|sj get <id> -v

Delete a Schedule/Scheduler Job

loc s s|sj delete <id>

Be noted that if a schedule is in use by a scheduled job, the scheduled job will be deleted as well.