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Version: LOC v0.7 (legacy)

General, License, Profile and Login

CLI commands for general purposes, managing profiles and login.


Show Help

loc [command] -h

Show help on available commands and options with help.


loc dp -h
loc dp list -h

Select Profile/Verbose Mode

Most commands support -p <profile name> to specify user profile and -v for verbose mode.

Show CLI Version

loc -V


loc license

List License

loc license list [--latest]

List the list of licenses (status and allocated resources) on LOC.

  • --latest: only list the latest license.

The status can be Inactive, Trial, Active or Active (Expired).

Import License

loc license import -f <license file>

Import (upload) a license file containing activation key to LOC.

  • -f: license file


loc profile|p

List All Profiles

loc p list

Setup a Profile From File

loc p set -f <profile>.yaml -p <profile name>

You can overwrite/update a profile by setting it up with a newer file.

  • -f: profile file

Set a Profile as Default

loc p use <profile name>
loc p default <profile name>

CLI will use the profile by default if you do not specify one with -p.

Inspect a Profile

loc p get [-p <profile name>] [key]

A logged-in profile also shows accessToken and refreshToken fields.

  • -p: (optional) use a specific profile (use default profile if not provided)
  • key: a field name in profile (show all fields if not provided)

Set/Delete Profile Key

loc p set|delete [-p <profile name>] [key]

Modify or delete a key in a profile.

  • key: a field name in profile

You can delete a profile from your system with

loc profile delete --all-keys -p <profile name>


loc login

Will prompt user name and password.


You will be logout of CLI after some time of inactivity.