Create an ETL Pipeline with Schedule
- To create a schedule trigger for executing a data process at a specific interval.
ETL, or Extract, Transformation and Load, referes to data pipelines commonly deployed on or beside databases and data warehouses, traditionally mostly in the form of SQL scripts running as scheduled jobs, for example, to migrate or backup data from A to B.
By combining a LOC data process, database-operating logic with a schedule trigger, we can create ETLs to achieve the same objectives with the benefit of revision control and adding active metadata.
In this tutorial, we will create an ETL to automatically backup the log table we've used in the database microservice tutorial:
ETL Design
Database Table Schema
To simplify the example, we will use the same database and copy the logs to another table named Log_Backup
Field | Type |
Message | Text |
Timestamp | DATETIME |
Notice that the
column inLog_Backup
does not useIDENTITY
for auto increment as inLog
MS-SQL Statement for Create and Drop Table
SQL Statement
The following SQL statement will backup logs into Log_Backup
MERGE INTO dbo.Log_Backup AS target
USING dbo.Log AS source
ON (target.ID = source.ID)
INSERT (ID, Message, Timestamp)
VALUES (source.ID, source.Message, source.Timestamp)
UPDATE SET target.Message = source.Message, target.Message = source.Message;
This statement will have the following actions:
- If a log ID is not found (not matched) in
, insert the log. This avoids log duplication in the backup table. - If a log ID is found (alreadt inserted), update its message and timestamp.
We can thus design our ETL pipeline as such:
Data Process: Scheduled Log Backup
Logic | Name | Purpose | DB Config Ref |
Generic logic #1 | Log Backup | Copy logs from source table to target table | |
Generic logic #2 | Dtabase Query (source) | Query database | comx (source) |
Aggregator logic | Database Aggregator (see Log Service POST ) | Finalise service result |
See the microservice tutorial for how to create a database configuration and add the reference to the Dtabase Query
Logic: Log Backup
import { LoggingAgent, SessionStorageAgent } from "@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk";
export async function run(ctx) {
const statement = `MERGE INTO dbo.Log_Backup AS target
USING dbo.Log AS source
ON (target.ID = source.ID)
INSERT (ID, Message, Timestamp)
VALUES (source.ID, source.Message, source.Timestamp)
UPDATE SET target.Message = source.Message, target.Message = source.Message;`;
// create sql object
const sql = {
configName: "comx",
statement: statement,
params: [],
// log sql{
sql: sql,
// write sql into session storage
await SessionStorageAgent.putJson("sql", sql);
export async function handleError(ctx, error) {
error: true,
errorMessage: error.message,
stack: error.stack,
taskId: ctx.task.taskKey,
Create a Schedule Trigger
After the logic and data process are in place, go to Trigger -> Scheduler and click Create Schedule on the top right corner.
Configure the schedule (the start time and interval) and select the Log Service ETL
as the linked task:
For some information about the Crontab
type schedule - for which macOS and Linux developers are familiar with - see Studio Guide.
Then click Create. When you go back to the schedule list, you can see the schedule type and the enable status:
You can manually trigger a schedule from the list, or edit the schedule to enable/disable it.
When a enabled schedule is created, the LOC scheduler will trigger the linked data process(es) on the interval you'd chosen.
That is it - you've successfully created a scheduled backup pipeline which will run on its own until you turned it off.
Utilising Execution History and Data Lineage for Scheduled Pipelines
In real life scenarios, you may need to read, write and even recover across several databases and/or file storages. Since schedule triggers do not return task results to users, you'll have to rely on reading the execution histories.
Another good practice is to use events as persistent logging and for generating data lineages that representing actual data actions occurred in scheduled jobs. They can be queried later and are immensely useful for tracking and analysing data operation issues.