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Version: LOC v0.10 (legacy)

Quick Start

Learning Objective
  • To create your first data process in LOC.
  • To invoke the data process with JSON payload and receive the processed result.

This tutorial uses LOC Studio and takes about 5-10 minutes ⏱️ providing you already have an account set up and the LOC license is activated.

Create a "Hello World" Data Process

This quick start will take you through a tutorial of building a simple data process in LOC Studio.

A data process is a data pipeline that can process input data and output results based on actual business logic. In the simplest sense, it functions like a web API that can receive inputs and return outputs.

In this tutorial, the data process won't do much - it responds to HTTP POST requests and return JSON-format greeting messages, which is similar to a RESTful API. But this will give you a clear idea of what's it like to develop and deploy logic and data processes in LOC.

For example, if you invoke it with this JSON payload

"name": "Arthur Dent"

The data process should responds with

"message": "Hello, Arthur Dent!"

The whole "Hello World" data process would be like this:

Login LOC

First login LOC Studio:


See User Management for how to setup a new account in LOC. You may need to contact your LOC Studio administrator.


You will be automatically logged out after some time of inactivity.

Create Logic

Logic are modularised, reusable code components to be linked to data processes, which are created and managed seperatly with projects, scenarios and data processes. Each data process should links with at least one generic logic and only one aggregator logic. Generic logic will be executed by order and finally run the aggregator.

In the quickstart tutorial, our "Hello World" data process has one each generic and aggregator logic:

LogicLogic nameDescription
Generic #1Payload JSON ParserA general-purpose logic that parse trigger payload to JSON and stores it in session storage.
Generic #2GreetingA unique logic that reads from the parsed JSON to generate a greeting message.
AggregatorResult AggregatorA general-purpose aggregator that generates the finalised result to be sent back to the invoker.

In order to create and execute the data process, we'll need to create the three logic first. The two general-purpose logic are also reusable in our other tutorials.

Create a Generic Logic

Go to Cloud Logic panel under Data Pipeline/Logic:


This panel shows you the list of existing generic or aggregator logic.

Click Create New Logic on the top-right corner:


Key in the logic name and make sure the logic type is Generic. As for the language you can choose either JavaScript or TypeScript. Click Create to create the logic.


The name of the logic is required, whereas tags and description are entirely optional, so feel free to play with them. However, accurate tags and detailed description are more helpful for improving the usability and searchability of your logic.

Click Logic Body on the top to input the logic code, copy and paste the code in the following section then click Create.

Generic logic: Payload JSON Parser

You can also find the source code here.

import { LoggingAgent, SessionStorageAgent } from "@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk";

export async function run(ctx) {
// read payload
const payload = await ctx.payload();

let data = null;
if ("http" in payload) {
data =;
} else if ("messageQueue" in payload) {
data =;
} else {
throw new Error("this logic only accepts http/mq payload");

let parsed = null;
try {
// decode body from Uint8Array to string and convert to JSON
parsed = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(data)));
} catch (e) {
error: true,
errorMessage: `unable to parse JSON payload: ${e.message}`,
stack: e.stack,
taskKey: ctx.task.taskKey,

// log parsed JSON{ parsed: parsed });

// write the parsed data into session storage
await SessionStorageAgent.putJson("parsed", parsed);

export async function handleError(ctx, error) {
// error logging
error: true,
errorMessage: error.message,
stack: error.stack,
taskKey: ctx.task.taskKey,

Clicking Create will add the logic to the logic list and build (compile) the code with LOC's logic compiler.


The code editor automatically format code on paste. You can also press hot keys in the code box to format the code (adding correct indentations, etc.):

  • Windows: Alt + Shift + F
  • macOS: Shift + Option + F
  • Linux: Ctrl + Shift + I

If your code is built successfully, you should see it in the Cloud Logic list as below:


You can also click on the logic name to inspect its details or add a new revision:


Revisions of a logic represent its versions and editing history, which also ensures that your data process won't break if they depends on older versions.

Now create two other logic (one generic and one aggregator) in the same way. Below are the example code for both:

Generic logic: Greeting

import { LoggingAgent, SessionStorageAgent } from "@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk";

export async function run(ctx) {
// read parsed payload from session
const parsed = await SessionStorageAgent.get("parsed");

// extract name field (and set it to a default string "World" if not exist)
const name = parsed?.name || "World";

// logging{ name: name });

// write the result (in a JSON object) to session
await SessionStorageAgent.putJson("result", {
message: `Hello, ${name}!`,

export async function handleError(ctx, error) {
// error logging
error: true,
errorMessage: error.message,
stack: error.stack,
taskId: ctx.task.taskKey,

Aggregator logic: Result Aggregator

You can also find the source code here.


To create a aggregator logic, you must first select the logic type as Aggregator in the logic screen. Otherwise you may accidentally create it as a generic logic.

import {
} from "@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk";

export async function run(ctx) {
// read result from session
const result = await SessionStorageAgent.get("result");

// logging{ result: result });

// finalise result
status: "ok",
taskKey: ctx.task.taskKey,
data: result,

export async function handleError(ctx, error) {
const err = {
error: true,
errorMessage: error.message,
stack: error.stack,
taskKey: ctx.task.taskKey,

// error logging

// finalise result

With all three logic created, we can move to creating the data process itself.

Build the Data Process

Create a Project and a Scenario

In order to create a data process in LOC Studio, we'll first need a project and scenario.

Go to the Explorer panel under Data Pipeline/Data Process, right click on one of the unit and select + Create Project:


Give your project a name and some description (optional):


Then right click on the project to create a scenario under it (again, give it a name and optional descriptions).

Create a Data Process

Right click on the scenario and select +Create Data Process:


Like the logic, name is required for a data process with optional tags and descriptions:


Execution timeout is how long LOC runtime should wait for the data process to finish the task. The available range is 6~300 seconds.

In the lower part of the data process creation window, click the Add Generic Logic button. Studio will prompt you to select a generic logic:


Add the three logic (two generic and one aggregator) to the data process:


If a selected logic have more than one revisions, make sure you've selected the one you want. You can also change the revision in the data process editing window afterwards (see below).

Make sure your logic order is correct, then click Create.


You can see that all three logic and the data process have unique permanent identity (PID) numbers. You can also edit the data process, which will create a new revision.


All revisions of one data process or logic shares the same PID.


Changing Logic Revisions in a Data Process

To use a new revision of a logic in a data process, enter edit mode then move the mouse to the upper right corner of the logic and select Change Revision:


Select the new revision and save the changes.

Manually Trigger the Data Process

We can execution the data process with manual trigger, which is in fact using a mocked API route trigger simulating an incoming HTTP GET request.

Right click your data process and select Execute Data Process:


Studio will prompt you to provide a text file which contains "payload data":


In our case we can upload a .json file containing the JSON payload:


Finally click Execute.

The result should show up momentarily:


We can see the execution ID, task ID as well as the finalised result (task result) returned by the aggregator logic (by clicking the Preview JSON button):


The content under the response field is exactly as what we expected - an included greeting message generated by three logic linked together in the "Hello World" data process.


What would happen if you execute the data process right away with no payload? The data process will, in fact, receive a payload with empty request body, and our Payload JSON Parser logic is designed to skip parsing error. Since the next logic Greet would read null while trying to get the parsed session variable, it will fall back to the default name "World" and return the message "Hello, World!".

On the other hand, if you execute the data process as schedule task, the Payload JSON Parser logic would throw an error (which cause the task to fail), since there would be no proper payload at all.


For how to properly invoke a data process with the trigger, see the following tutorials:

What's Next?

Now you've deployed your first data process in LOC, where should you go next in the docs?

  1. First proceed to Tutorials, which offers basic examples on specific topics and activities for you to try in LOC Studio.
  2. The tutorials also point you to various pages in Studio Guide and SDK Reference for additional details.
  3. If you are a developer, you'll need to learn about CLI, which can do more and makes debugging easier - CLI Handbook plus SDK Reference have everything you need.
  4. See System FAQs if you'd like to know more about LOC.

Happy developing!