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Session Storage Agent - C Sharp

Read and write value in session storage.

Logic TypeAvailable
Generic logic
Aggregator logic

Session Storage

For each executed task, a session storage is created in LOC runtime and shared by all logic in the same data process. It is the primary apporach for a task to pass data from one lofic to others. The session storage will be purged after the task complete execution.

Import and Usage

The agent can be used without using additional namespaces:

public static class Logic

public static async Task Run(Context ctx)
var data = (await SessionStorageAgent.Get("data"))?.JsonValue;

public static async Task HandleError(Context ctx, Exception error)
// ... same

Class Reference


  • Public static class SessionStorageAgent

Method: Get Session Value

public async static Task<StorageValue?> Get(string key) {}
keyKey of session data

Returns a StorageValue value from session storage (null if not exist).

Method: Write Session Value

public async static Task Put(string key, StorageValue value) {}
keyKey of session data
valueStorageValue data

Write a StorageValue value into local storage. Overwrite if already exists.

Method: Delete Session Value

public async static Task Delete(string key) {}
keyKey of session data

Delete a value in session storage. Do nothing if not exist.

Sub Class Reference


Data structure for a session or local storage value.


JsonValueJsonNode?Object value representing JSON data
StringValuestring?String value
BytesValuebyte[]?Byte array value

For writing a session or local value, only one property in StorageValue object will be used.


public StorageValue()


// create a StorageValue with JSON object
public static StorageValue FromJson(object obj) {}
public static StorageValue FromJson(T obj, JsonTypeInfo<T> jsonTypeInfo) {}

// create a StorageValue with string
public static StorageValue FromString(string str) {}

// create a StorageValue with byte array
public static StorageValue FromBytes(byte[] bytes) {}

// get value type
public ValueType GetValueType() {}

Enumeration type:

public enum ValueType
None = 0,
Bytes = 1,
String = 2,
Json = 3

Method StorageValue.FromJson() will try to convert the input object to JsonNode.

See the examples for how to pass objects correctly.


Refer to: JsonNode

The JsonValue property and FromJson method also accepts classes extended from JsonNode: JsonValue, JsonObject or JsonArray.


Write String Data Into Session Storage

await SessionStorageAgent.Put(
StorageValue.FromString("so long, and thanks for all the fish")

Write JSON Data Into Session Storage

await SessionStorageAgent.Put(
new Dictionary<string, object?>()
{ "name", "Arthur Dent" },
{ "age", 42 },
{ "job", new Dictionary<string, object?>()
{ "title", "Sandwich-maker" },
{ "salary", 0 },
{ "quotes", new List<string>()
"Is there any tea on this spaceship?",
"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.",
"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?"

// or

- import the following namespace:

using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
await SessionStorageAgent.Put(
new JsonObject
["name"] = "Arthur Dent",
["age"] = 42,
["job"] = new JsonObject
["title"] = "Sandwich-maker",
["salary"] = 0
["quotes"] = new JsonArray(
"Is there any tea on this spaceship?",
"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.",
"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?"
Write a Single Number

A single number is valid Json thus can be saved as a JSON session data:

- import the following namespace:

using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
await SessionStorageAgent.Put(

It will be read as a JsonNode representing an int32 value from SessionStorageAgent.Get.

Convert List to JsonArray
List<string> list = new()
"Is there any tea on this spaceship?",
"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.",
"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?"

JsonArray array = new(list.ConvertAll<JsonNode>((item) => JsonValue.Create(item)).ToArray());

Read String Data from Session Storage

string? data = (await SessionStorageAgent.Get("data"))?.StringValue;

Set a default value if the session data does not exist (returns null):

string data = (await SessionStorageAgent.Get("data"))?.StringValue ?? "default value";

Read Json Data from Session Storage

Import namespace(s)
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
JsonNode? data = (await SessionStorageAgent.Get("data"))?.JsonValue;

// convert to JSON string
string jsonString = data.ToJsonString();

// get values (null if not found)
string? name = data?["name"]?.GetValue<string>();
int? age = data?["age"]?.GetValue<int>();

JsonNode? job = data?["job"];
string? title = job?["title"]?.GetValue<string>();

JsonArray? quotes = data?["quotes"].AsArray();
string? firstQuote = quotes?[0].GetValue<string>();

foreach(var quote in quotes)
string quote = quote.GetValue<string>();

// convert JsonArray to List
if (quotes is not null)
List<string> quoteList = new(from item in quotes select item.GetValue<string>());
Safer Way of Getting Value

GetValue<type>() will throw an Exception if the value cannot be converted to the type.

A safe way is to use the TryGetValue() method of JsonValue class:

int age = 42; // default value

// convert to JsonValue and try to convert the value into 'age'; if not successful, no exception would be thrown.
data?["age"]?.AsValue().TryGetValue<int>(out age);
Directly Type Casting

If you can be sure the returned JsonNode object and its fields won't be null, you can also use type casting for basic types:

// adding "!"" (null-forgiving operator) to avoid null warnings

string name = (string) data!["name"]!;
int age = (int) data!["age"]!;

Advanced Examples

Use User-Defined Classes With Session Storage

Assuming we have a Person and a Job class with its source context class defined, we can serialise or deserialise the session storage value with these classes:

Import namespace(s) and declare classes
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

internal class Person
public string? Name { get; set; }

public int? Age { get; set; }

public Job? Job { get; set; }

public List<string>? Quotes { get; set; }

public Person(string name, int age, Job job, List<string> quotes)
Name = name;
Age = age;
Job = job;
Quotes = quotes;

internal class Job
public string? Title { get; set; }

public int? Salary { get; set; }

public Job(string title, int salary)
Title = title;
Salary = salary;

// source generation context for Person
internal partial class PersonSourceGenerationContext : JsonSerializerContext

You can also move these classes into a shared module as public classes. See the tutorial for examples.

Write Class to Session Storage

Person person = new(
"Arthur Dent",
new Job(
new List<string>()
"Is there any tea on this spaceship?",
"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.",
"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?"

// write Person data using source generation context
await SessionStorageAgent.Put(

Read Class to Session Storage

// read data as JsonNode
JsonNode? data = (await SessionStorageAgent.Get("data"))?.JsonValue;
Person? person = null;

// convert JsonNode to Person using source generation context
if (data is not null)
person = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Person>(

// read Person fields with properties
if (person is not null)
string name =;
int age = person.age;
string title = person.job.title;
List<string> quotes = person.quotes;