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Result Agent - C Sharp

Finalise task result in aggregator logic.

Logic TypeAvailable
Generic logic
Aggregator logic

The task result will be part of the execution result, and will be returned to user if the trigger type is synchronized API route or message queue.

Import and Usage

The agent can be used without using additional namespaces:

public static class Logic

public static async Task Run(Context ctx)
await ResultAgent.SetResult(
new Dictionary<string, object?>()
{ "status", "ok" }

public static async Task HandleError(Context ctx, Exception error)
await ResultAgent.SetResult(
new Dictionary<string, object?>()
{ "status", "error" }

Class Reference


  • Public static class ResultAgent

Method: Finalise Task Result

public async static Task SetResult(object result) {}
resultA "JSON" object

Write an object to be serialised to JSON as the content of task result, which will be part of the execution result and may be returned to the user. The JSON data may be converted to other formats depending on the trigger configuration.


Using objects of user-defined class will cause the fields not parsed properly. Use Dictionary or JsonObject instead.

If an execution contains multiple tasks, fields with the same name in different task results will be overwritten. Consider to use unique field names to avoid the issue.

Method: Set HTTP Status Code

public async static Task SetHttpStatusCode(UInt16 statusCode) {}
statusCodeHTTP status code (default: 200)

Set HTTP status code for the HTTP response when the trigger is API route.


The HTTP code will also be applied to the _status field in the execution result if the execution is invoked by an actual API route. The _status field will always 20x in manual executions.

The task will still return status code 202 for timed out execution.

Setting HTTP status code does not affect triggers other than API routes.

If an execution contains multiple tasks, the highest HTTP status code value will be used for the API route response.


Finalise Task Result

var task = await ctx.GetTask();

await ResultAgent.SetResult(
new Dictionary<string, object?>()
{ "status", "ok" },
{ "taskId", task.TaskKey.TaskIdString() },
{ "data", new Dictionary<string, object?>()
{ "name", "Arthur Dent" },
{ "age", 42 },
{ "job", new Dictionary<string, object?>()
{ "title", "Sandwich-maker" },
{ "salary", 0 },
{ "quotes", new List<string>()
"Is there any tea on this spaceship?",
"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.",
"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?"

// or

- import the following namespace:

using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
await ResultAgent.SetResult(
new JsonObject
["status"] = "ok",
["taskId"] = task.TaskKey.TaskIdString(),
["data"] = new JsonObject
["name"] = "Arthur Dent",
["age"] = 42,
["job"] = new JsonObject
["title"] = "Sandwich-maker",
["salary"] = 0
["quotes"] = new JsonArray(
"Is there any tea on this spaceship?",
"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.",
"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?"

See the example of session storage agent for how to use classes extended from JsonNode.


The field status: "ok" will be part of the task result, not to be confused with HTTP status code in the HTTP response.

Pass Session/Local Storage Value as Result

You can log the received JsonNode object from session or local storages without any conversion:

JsonNode? data = (await SessionStorageAgent.Get("data"))?.JsonValue;

await ResultAgent.SetResult(data);

Finalise Task Result and Set HTTP Status Code

await ResultAgent.SetResult(new {
// ...
await ResultAgent.SetHttpStatusCode(200);

Finalise Task Result with Error

var task = await ctx.GetTask();

await ResultAgent.SetResult(
new Dictionary<string, object?>()
{ "status", "error" },
{ "taskId", task.TaskKey.TaskIdString() },
{ "error", error.Message },
{ "stack", error.StackTrace }
await ResultAgent.SetHttpStatusCode(500);

Advanced Examples

Log User-Defined Classes

Assuming we have a Person and a Job class with its source context class defined:

Import namespace(s) and declare classes
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

internal class Person
public string? Name { get; set; }

public int? Age { get; set; }

public Job? Job { get; set; }

public List<string>? Quotes { get; set; }

public Person(string name, int age, Job job, List<string> quotes)
Name = name;
Age = age;
Job = job;
Quotes = quotes;

internal class Job
public string? Title { get; set; }

public int? Salary { get; set; }

public Job(string title, int salary)
Title = title;
Salary = salary;

// source generation context for Person
internal partial class PersonSourceGenerationContext : JsonSerializerContext

You can convert the object to a JSON string, then convert it to a JsonNode object for the logging agent:

JsonNode personData = JsonNode.Parse(

await ResultAgent.SetResult(
new JsonObject
["status"] = "ok",
["taskId"] = task.TaskKey.TaskIdString(),
["data"] = personData,
// ...