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Version: LOC v0.10 (legacy)

Mail Agent

import { MailAgent, MailAgentClient, Mail } from "@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk";

Sending emails with a SMTP server.


  • ✓ Generic logic
  • ✗ Aggregator logic

This agent requires agent configuration to work in a data process.

The mail agent supports StartTLS.

Acquire Mail Client

async MailAgent.acquire(configurationName: string): Promise<MailAgentClient>

Returns a MailAgentClient object based on provided agent configuration name, which connects to a pre-defined SMTP server with confidential information.

The configuration name is the reference field set in Studio or name field set in CLI config files.

Throws an error if the configuration cannot be found.


const mailClient = await MailAgent.acquire("my-mail-configuration");

Send a Mail

async mailClient.send(mail: Mail.Mail): Promise<any>

Send an email. See the example below.


const mailClient = await MailAgent.acquire("my-mail-configuration");

// mail body
const mail_body = `Nothing travels faster
than the speed of light,
with the possible exception of bad news,
which obeys its own special laws.`;

// get a new mail object
const mail = new Mail.Mail()
// required fields
.setSender("", "sender name")
.setSubject("Mail subject")
.setReceivers("", "receiver 1 name")
.setReceivers("", "receiver 2 name")

// optional fields
.setReplyTo("", "reply name")
.setCC("", "cc name")
.setBCC("", "bcc name");

// end of mail object
// send the mail
await mailClient?.send(mail);

You can also omit the second name parameter in setSender, setReceivers, setReplyTo, setCC and setBCC.